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miklavžev budo shop popust

St. Nicholas weekend discount

From Friday 1.12. until Monday 4.12.2023 buy online with15% St Nicholas discount.Use discount code MIKLZ23We are looking forward to serve you in best possible way and wish you a great weekend!your BUDO SHOP team

črni budo shop petek

Black BUDO SHOP Friday

Black Friday at Budo Shop as well! Only on Friday 17th of November 2023 shop with 15% discount. For online purchases, the Black Friday discount is valid all weekend, until Sunday 19th of November 2023. For online purchase use discount code: BLQFXXIIWe look...

Open Day

On Saturday 04.11.2023, the Budo Shop on Dolenjska cesta 80 in Ljubljana will host an OPEN DAY.On this day you will be able to shop with a 15% discount.Visit us between 9:00 and 13:00.For information and reservations, please call 01/42...

Modified opening hours

Dear customers, please be informed that the Budo Shop will be exceptionally open on MONDAY 30.10.2023 between 9:00 and 15:00 hrs.In the meantime, our online shop is running smoothly.For information please contact us at info@budoshop.siThank you for your understanding...

New recognition for successful work

Budo Shop has received a new special award for its successful work and constant growth over the last three years.At Budo Shop we take pride in our work and will continue to strive to ensure that our customers receive the...

BUDO SHOP promotional discount

The Budo Shop is still celebrating its first 20 years!!To mark the occasion, we launched a new website 🥰 and organised a give-away with 20 attractive prizes.And now we have prepared a PROMOTIONAL WEEKEND ACTION for all online shoppers in...

Welcome to our new web shop!

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of our successful operation, we launched a new website, which we believe will make your purchase even friendlier and easier.We are looking forward to your visits and next buying, and we wish you a good...